Managing Disciplinary and Grievance Processes

Managing Disciplinary and Grievance Processes Training

Managing a disciplinary or grievance process at work can be a daunting task. That is unless your dedicated investigator received training from Graphite.

Our Managing Disciplinary and Grievance Processes training looks at what needs to be done to handle each situation, as well as how best to go about it. That means that when an issue strikes next, you’re ready in the wings to solve it before it affects the wider business. 

Managing a disciplinary or grievance process at work can be a daunting task. That is unless your dedicated investigator received training from Graphite.

Our Managing Disciplinary and Grievance Processes training looks at what needs to be done to handle each situation, as well as how best to go about it. That means that when an issue strikes next, you’re ready in the wings to solve it before it affects the wider business. 

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Make disciplinary and grievance issues a thing of the past

Graphite’s Managing Disciplinary and Grievance Processes training will provide participants with the knowledge of how to manage each process in line with the legal framework.

This training course will guide participants on everything from managing employee performances and how to discipline a staff member. Effective communication is key to ensuring these processes are conducted correctly, and the course will provide tips and tricks on how to do this sensitively and efficiently. 

Finally, Graphite’s HR consultant will take participants through the practical skills needed to effectively undertake these meetings. 

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