Redundancy, Restructure and TUPE Processes

HR Support Through Times of Change

Letting an employee go is no straightforward process, which makes redundancy advice for employers so crucial. But as we all know, change comes in many forms. Graphite’s redundancy advice and business restructuring services, including TUPE advice, steer you along the right path whatever the change, ensuring you meet every legislative requirement along the way. 

Letting an employee go is no straightforward process, which makes redundancy advice for employers so crucial. But as we all know, change comes in many forms. Graphite’s redundancy advice and business restructuring services, including TUPE advice, steer you along the right path whatever the change, ensuring you meet every legislative requirement along the way. 

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Restructuring and redundancy advice in Ireland

A period of transition can be an uncertain time for a business. Whether it’s because the business has been acquired by another entity, is trying to reduce staff levels, or company restructuring is underway, employees and managers alike begin to wonder about business and job security. 

Graphite consultants are a source of calm in a redundancy or restructuring process. They’re experts in managing redundancy processes and can ensure that you’re correctly guided every step of the way. With over two decades of experience in this area, Graphite consultants bring experience and commercial knowledge to any such process. 

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